Esent the transform potential with the potassium morphology, plus the bigger value signifies the stronger ability to transform potassium morphology. And “+”with plus the arrow direction represent alter direction of potassium morphology. In this way, we are able to quantitatively describe the K components morphological modifications.(LEG) cotton. The soil in each therapy weights eight.5 kg. Detail fertilizer schemes are listed in Table 11. LEG and HEG cottons’ planting effects is shown in Fig. 6. (1) Equilibrium shift inside the path for non-exchangeable potassium Supposed that VwsKRnek is path for wsK to neK, VekRnek is path for eK to neK, therefore, equilibrium shift in path for nonexchangeable potassium can be expressed by contribution coefficient functions as below, two eight {7 R 0:87 ywsk 0:60:xneK {0:37:xPHA z5:87|10 y 1:67:x z0:62:x {7 wsk PHA {9:87|10 neK 2 {6 R 0:92 yeK 0:98:xneK z1:23|10 : y 1:02:xeK {1:25|10{neKEquilibrium occurs when XwsK, XPHA, XeK satisfy with Function 8, ( 1:67:xwsk z0:62:xPHA {9:87|10{7 1:02:xeK {1:25|10{6 xwsk z0:37:xPHA 0:61:xeK {1:57|10{Path model of soil potassium status changes of cottonIt is of great importance to further investigate on the equilibrium movement in soil.IL-4 Protein, Mouse The following part will discuss the shift of dynamic balance among wsK, eK and neK, and their flow path. To test the reliability of the models, we collect another 48 cotton soil samples in the same experiment, using stepwise regression method, observation of potassium mobility and morphological change. We carried out a plot experiment of potash application with high K-efficiency genotype (HEG) and low K-efficiency genotypePLOS ONE | www.plosone.orgHere, ynek is the equilibrium threshold.Camizestrant And the value of xwsK, xPHA, xeK is determined by soil characteristics.PMID:27641997 Calculated results from Equation 7 were listed in Table 12. In the table, column 1 and 2 were calculated from Equations 7. We used the wsK, eK, neK to construct dynamic equilibrium equations (wsK / neK / eK).The column 3 was normalized valuesb caxof neK and the column 4 was the direction of balance movement of neK. These three column datasets were presented in Fig. 6. In the reversible equilibrium of wsK / neK / eK, soilb xacsamples RSWKL, RSWH, RSWL, NRSWKL, NRSWL, K balance cycle were moved in a, x direction movement; soilStatus Changes of Soil PotassiumFigure 4. Path model of non-exchangeable potassium (neK, solid line for double arrow, dashed-line for single arrow, and single arrow flows into ZwsK). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0076712.gsamples RSWKH, RSKH, RSKL, ROPTH, ROPTL, NRSWKH, NRSWH, NROPTH, NROPTL, K balance cycle were moved in b and c direction movement; soil samples NRSKH, NRSKL, K balance cycle were moved in b, x direction movement. In Fig. 6, neK reaches its equilibrium in following soil types which includes LEG in water stress treatment (SW), HEG after potassium stress treatment (SK), LEG after optimum fertilization treatment (OPT), and LEG after water stress treatment (SW). However, all the value in those soils with HEG in SW, LEG in SK, HEG in SW and SK, the values were all greater than the equilibrium, wsK reached its saturation. For other treatment soils, when wsK was lower than the equilibrium and PHA and eK was greater than equilibrium, neK changed into wsK. It proves thateK equales to total K in matured crops. When eK is below a certain level in soil, plants can no longer get eK. When eK was at low levels, it was absorbed by other ions with stronger absorption. This reduces chance.